Hello! Welcome

Cactus plants have always been my biggest passion and my "first" love. They gave a sense to my life and I spared no expense in growing them and in searching for new species.

They gave me so much, not in terms of money, of course. They have been "close" to me in different moments of my life, they gave me joy even when, much to my regret, I have been neglecting them. Now, I just want to share with you the meticulous work of these years and with the same and renewed passion, I will show you my production, rigorously from seeds.

My purpose is to show you some rare and often endangered species, making available the result of these years of hard work, research and study to all those who share this passion with me. I am sure that, with your care, my cacti will be generous with you, as they have always been with me.

We must never forget that true passions, not just interests, rule the world.

Ignazio Blando

Ignazio and Copiapoa haseltoniana
Quebrada Matancilla _ Nord Paposo
